Inge Engelbrecht
Inge created, administers and coordinates the programme. A retired Headmistress, she has used her educational background to create an incredible creche programme which is catered specifically to the educational requirements and logistics of a rural creche.
Cel: +27 79 640 0825
Masifunde Creche Programme
Masifunde: "Let's learn!"
The Asidlale Box was a means of helping a mother/grandmother to introduce the 'play' aspect with their children for a few hours a day. It was designed to help children develop the fine and gross motor skills needed for their school careers, especially in areas where there is no access to local creches.
The MASIFUNDE PROGRAMME is a fully immersive creche programme. Designed specifically with the rural creche in mind (derived with permission from the AMOS Meerkat Project in Namibia), Inge Engelbrecht has developed a version that is suited to our rural communities.
The course is presented in English and is comprised of 8 Themes, including: Our School, My Body, My Senses, My Home, My Family, On the Farm, In the Garden, In the Town (people/helpers in our community) and Wild Animals.
EASTER and CHRISTMAS are two important themes covered
Key areas focused on are:
Character development (a unique and vital component of the programme)
Development of the child and the brain
Gross and fine motor skills
Teaching Bible stories and biblical truths
Perceptual skills
Sounds and numbers
Songs and the art of storytelling
Art and crafts
Key Character Traits
The Masifunde Creches
Bambanani - Honingkloof Farm (Heinz & Marlene Hinze) x6 children Teacher: Buyisile Nkosi
Khula - Wagendrift Farm (Johann & Gudrun Engelbrecht) x23 children Teacher: Lungile Sukasi
Kwamatshamhlope - Kwamatshamhlope School (Karin Bodenstein) x29 children Teacher: Lettha Mthethwa
Lindokuhle - Libaba x6 children Teacher: Winnie Hadebe & Manesi Masondo
Mantonga - Mantonga Farm (Jens and Thea Kusel) x10 children Teacher: Eslina Mndebele
Philasande - Panbult (Christa Albers) x 16 children Teacher: Nothile
Thuthuka - Schwarzwald (Hugo & Anzel Niebuhr) Teacher: Ruth Kuhlase