Pastor Phillip Nobela
Shalom House & DMM
Pastor Phillip runs DMM in Ikasi, ISHAACAR, and oversees DMM and Access Ministry training at Shalom House
David Meyer
Mbabala Farm, Eswatini
David Meyer and his family have been farming in Eswatini for many years. David has started a Bible College on the farm and Phillip ministers on the farm and runs DBS with the staff.
Mbabala, Eswatini (Swaziland)
David Meyer, a Commercial Avocado Farmer has identified the need for a mission outreach on his farm in Mhlosheni in the South of Swaziland. He together with his wife Desi, approached TTN to begin a DBS and other Mission projects on their farm “Mbabala”.
Despite being a very small independent country, Swaziland has possibly the highest HIV prevalence in the world, with HIV/AIDS having a devastating effect on the country. With life expectancy in the country being estimated at 49 years, many children have lost one or both parents and are being raised by older siblings or elderly grandparents.
The ministry began early in 2016, and a strong DBS group has been established over the years. The aim is for the group to multiply, and penetrate the communities of Mhlosheni that surround the farm. Once the groups are operational, gatherings will be held on a monthly basis and these gatherings will assist with the formation of teams that will establish new groups.
David has started a small Bible College on the farm, with about 10 students (from Mbabala and Pasture Valley Orphanage) attending. Course material: David Pawson's 'Unlocking the Bible' which is presented in both English and Siswati.
During this process, the groups will be exposed to the 5 Point plan, which involves:
Growing the groups spiritually through DBS and Gatherings.
Identifying leaders within the groups, and spending time mentoring them.
Continuing to identify the 'harvest' around the group, praying for the less fortunate, and seeking ways to support them from within the groups.
By identifying conflict and assisting with the resolving of issues through prayer.
Addressing the issue of self-sustainability at all levels. This will include: Farming Foundations training, Skills Development Training, Asidlale Box & Entrepreneurial Training (Tuckshop).